Awarded by a European Media group gathering France, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg, the EUROPEAN FUNDS TROPHY rewards the best funds and Asset Managers across Europe.
Partners wish to give a summary of the best funds and Asset Managers in Europe and to inform all their readers with an easy ranking.
The analysis' accuracy is based on the APT methodology. The results are verified by 5 professional jurors from the Finance industry. Every year, we reward around 50 Asset Management Companies with a range of funds from 4 to more than 200 rated funds.
Asset Managers are classified in 8 categories depending on their number of rated funds and their country. There are 8 categories for funds (International Value, International Growth, US Value, US Growth, Europe Value, Europe Growth, Emerging Markets, Europe Medium Terms Bonds).
Partners are part of the Eurofonds Group: FUNDCLASS, Le Monde, Paperjam-Delano, Investire (Economy Group), El Pais and LCI.
The ceremony takes place in Paris every year between February and March and it is presided over by one or two leaders of the European Financial industry.
After an opening adress made by the year's special guest, a delegate of each awarded company is called on stage to receive the trophy in front of more than 200 professionals.
To enjoy the end of the evening, all participants can book seats and/or tables to attend the gala dinner. This is a perfect opportunity to show off your company profile and meet the other best European Asset Managers in this magnificent location.
Winners are selected at the end of January and confirmed by the jury at the beginning of February. Then, FUNDCLASS contacts the winners and our participating media partners advertise the event during the following weeks. This year, the ceremony takes place on March the 6th, 2025 and usually starts at around 6 p.m.
The ceremony takes place at the Automobile Club de France, in Paris. This private club, created in the XIX century, provides an exceptional setting with its library' s capacity of over 300 people for the ceremony and cocktail. For the Gala Dinner, winners can book seats/table in the magnificent dining hall.
How to get there
The Automobile Club de France is located in the center of Paris at: 6, Place de la Concorde 75008.
Metro lines to Place de la Concorde: